
The basis of our climate technology is the developed additive Clim@Add®. It consists of up to 94% technical carbon. This is produced during the thermochemical conversion of residual forest wood from sustainable forestry. The special process converts the CO2 bound in the residues into technical carbon. This provides the basis for our Clim@Add® aggregate. 1 kg of Clim@Add® binds up to 3 kg of CO2 that plants have absorbed from the atmosphere during their lifetime. The carbon used is EBC-certified, chemically stable and can be reintegrated into material cycles. 

The permanent incorporation of our technical carbon into concrete and asphalt improves the functionality of the building materials and creates a permanent carbon sink. At the same time, the use of Clim@Add® can substitute primary raw materials such as cement, thus saving further emissions. All in all, this means that the building materials are not only climate-neutral, but also climate-positive.

CO2 removal through negative emission technologies 

BCR (Biochar Carbon Removal) is one of the most promising negative emission technologies (NET). It can already be used today, has no long research lead time, low investment costs and can be integrated into existing systems as a plant extension.
Another key advantage is that no additional energy is required - on the contrary, the process generates sustainable, regional energy in the form of electricity and/or heat that can be fed into the cycle in addition to the CO2-storing carbon. 

© EBI Whitepaper, 2020
Addressing climate change with plant carbon-based carbon sinks.

When the technical carbon is incorporated into concrete and asphalt, the carbon forms a bond with the product matrix, meaning that the sinks remain permanent and can even last beyond the service life of the products.
Our technology is also compatible with existing sustainability measures such as recycling solutions.

CarStorCon® Technologies

Act locally - protect the climate globally 

Local sourcing and short transportation routes also play a role in the sustainability balance of this innovative building material. The technical carbon is based on a regionally produced raw material. The wood used comes from certified, sustainably managed forests. We thus ensure sustainable supply chains and optimal use of biogenic waste streams. At the same time, we make a contribution to the circular economy. In accordance with the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act, our solution represents a higher-value utilization stage compared to incineration.
Our additive is added for functionalization and the projects are implemented with local building material manufacturers. We work with regional waste recyclers and disposal companies, energy suppliers and pyrolysis plant operators and close local recycling loops.

Sustainability at the core business

We develop solutions and products together with our customers. In addition to concrete and asphalt applications, we also implement customized solutions. Ongoing research projects enable us to further optimize input streams and placement methods. 

With our solutions, product ranges can be expanded to include innovative sustainable products and new sources of income can be tapped into through energy feed-ins and CO2 certificates. The certificates generated are issued to our customers. For example, unavoidable residual emissions in the production process can be offset. Offsetting emissions within our own value chain can be used as a central element for sustainability reporting and communication with employees, customers and investors.

We offer our customers a reduction in emissions in their core business and a strong solution to respond to increasing political and social pressure. So that you are ahead of the competition when it comes to climate protection!

CarStorCon® Technologies
CarStorCon® Technologies

Do you have a project that you would like to realize with Clim@Add®? Write to us and we will be happy to contact you for an initial discussion. 

short and sweet

  • 1 kg of Clim@Add® can store up to 3 kg of CO2.
  • Clim@Add® is easy and direct to install.
  • Clim@Add® can be used to adapt material properties and thus replace additives from fossil raw material sources.
  • The carbon used is EBC certified.
  • In accordance with the Closed Substance Cycle Waste Management Act, the solution represents a higher-value utilization stage compared to incineration.
  • Biogas and heat generated during production can be used as CO2-neutral energies.
CarStorCon® Technologies


CarStorCon® Technologies