Building material | Concrete as CO₂ storage in the TB Info

In its June issue (TB iNFO 95), TB iNFO devoted two double pages to concrete as a permanent carbon sink, including an interview with CarStorCon founder Axel Preuß. The article looks at the advantages of the innovative technology from all sides: The climate benefits, the additional benefits of the material for concrete materials and the use of existing infrastructure and the...

Climate Concrete in Bioenergy International No. 5/2023

In the Biochar Special No. 5 / 2023 of the trade magazine Bioenergy International, our customer and partner EnergieWerke Ilg and our climate concrete were presented. We are especially pleased that our customer Tobias Ilg with his two reverse power plants, even made it to the cover of the magazine! In a detailed report, his experiences and findings are...

CarStorCon® in CPI Worldwide 02/2023

6 times a year CPI Worldwide reports on the latest developments and innovative technologies in concrete production - we are right in the middle of it in the 01/2023 issue of CPI Worldwide. As a trade magazine for the concrete industry, CPI provides information on innovations, trends and new products in more than 3 languages. The complete article is available at...

Concrete goes green - CarStorCon® in 20 magazine 10/2022

In October 2022, 20er Magazin conducted a conversation with our founder as part of an interview series "About Tomorrow". In the interview, Axel Preuß talks about the technical possibilities of Climate Concrete but also about the still too hesitant implementation and demand from building owners and politics. For him, it is all the more important that the industry should develop its symbioses...